Thousands of yearsago.The humanhad knownhow to use material beside myself application become to used .Theevolutionfromthesimplestto themostdelicate exquisite beautyinartand functionality.Respond to use very well .Theculturepassed onto the present .The method was help human to produce everything for daily use .They are call this " craft " which means theapplianceswith theintellectualtoolsto get thebenefitsof livingindaily life.Theinventionisgreater thantheliving
Wickercan be considered asone of thebranches ofhandicraftsandartscrafts.Thatwill serve thesamepeoplefor thousands of years.Until now,basketrystill servesat leastthe past .Alongwith the development ofproduction methods to international market.
Itcan be spreadwidelythroughout thedomestic and international.Such as handbag.Documentsand files.Themeticulous workbyhand.
Craftingpapier.Artisone of thedynamicpropertiesofmaterials. Paperproductsandvariouspieces ofivoryisbelievedthat Chinawasthe firstnationtostartthis kind of work. Acenturyago.Thepeople ofIranandJapan alsomadeapapiermaskcraftforcelebratingthe festival.
17 th centurywas a time ofcrafts,papierhavebeenalot ofEuropeancountries. BycountryofFrance.Thathas beencoined thecraftpapierMacheSpaNapier. (Papier-Mâché), whichcomes from theShakespeareClub(Papier)refersto thepaperMache(Mâché)means. Compression orocclusionofthepattern.
Thailand country compressor paper craft or paper mache Itmaybeassumedthat "It has since Ayutthaya was the capital"Which appearedinthe royal chroniclesof AyutthayawhenKing PrasatThongLbsakrachofthe year. TigeristhefavoritetoCancuntoplayprimitive.Theplayis about theancientSwmhawokn. Theshowand also appearedintheeyesof children, BishopRichardcame into thecountry.Inthe reign of KingNarai the Great.
When the 2228 was attributed to the cremation " there is wearing mask before cremation "
The Rev. Richard eye can not understand how to play video recorded. Express the same.Ghost Dance by the actors pantomime the first to write a movie, this is a giant monkey face.Etc. It's not easy. And a waste of time to prepare for it. When a problem like this.The idea is to find a way to make a mask. The imitation of ancient sculpture, which is fabricated as a single story.And in literature such as the giant creatures, etc. And when Mrs. Lincoln was attributed.The video was taken of the picture that is inspired to make a mask. You could say that.In the procession, wearing the same mask. No one is perfect, the beauty of the Thai Red.Although wearing a mask in a mask such as India, Ceylon, Burma, Indonesia.
Japan, China, Laos, Cambodia.
Themaskthatweweariscalled a "mask".
Themethodused inthe inventionby means ofafull face Theuse ofpaper.Papermoistened with waterorpowdertocoverthewoodencarvingthick enough.Ilovethe sun, thenwith water. Themaskispaintedingold leafto thecolorofeachmask.Thislooks likeamask. ThepaperpuppetofThailandduring the reign ofsixrecorded.
Whichisproducedinmore than60years ago (aboutayearafter World War2 ) There was invention variety animals style to sale .
ThecraftofpapierThailandhasgradually developedin bothformats and techniques to ever since. There is manufactured to respond the commercial international market .Anew designthatlooks modernandmorerealistic.Manufacturedwiththetype of use.
Example this is how to make paper mache Bowl
Example Fruit tray , animal doll ,mask ,images board improve the colors to make more market value.